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Sirk and Fassbinder All That Is Allowed Essay Example
Sirk and Fassbinder: All That Is Allowed Paper Sort films were made in the brilliant period of Hollywood as an approach to pre-sell motio...
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Said's Concept if Orientalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Said's Concept if Orientalism - Essay Example The Orient (comprising of countries like the Middle East, India, China, and those lying further east) has always occupied an area of interest within the realms of American cultural arena. Various topics that include men, women and children from the Orient, tend to appear persistently in different cultural discussions, with the greatest and most presumably, the highest influence seen in US based TV programmes and movies. Right from the time of its initiation, Hollywood has persistently represented characters from Orient (like Chinese, Indians and Arabs) in specific exotic terms that highlight their ethnicity (Irwin, 2007, 106). Thus, against a backdrop of stereotyped Oriental ‘Otherness’ stands the Western ‘good guys,’ a representation of the Eastern world by its Western counterpart, which is often biased and conventionalised (ibid). It is this (mal) representation or portrayal of various non-western cultures by western filmmakers, writers, and artists, which primarily arose from European colonial/ imperialistic attitude during the 18th-19th centuries, which has been termed ‘Orientalism,’ a concept derived from Edward Said’s famous book Orientalism published in 1978. ... The Hollywood films-makers have held a continuing dominance over the worldwide box-office right from WWI, without any strong or long-term competition from any other rival film industries. Even though there were major setbacks to Hollywood during the Great Depression and later during 1960s, their dominance over worldwide cinema remained unparalleled, thus spanning unquestioned influence over millions of viewers from all parts of the world for more than ten decades. Thus, it is understood that representation of any character(s) shown by Hollywood is bound to cast a strong influence on viewers all across the globe. Hence, one can contend that the negative and imagined portrayal of Orientalism has created a negative image of these countries on the global viewers, which is purely based on lack of adequate knowledge and presumptions on the part of Hollywood. In this context, we will examine the importance of Edward Said’s concept of Orientalism while analysing the dominant cinemas ( Hollywood’s) representation of people outside West. Discussion â€Å"East is East, West is West, and never the twain shall meet†~ Rudyard Kipling (1932) Said’s concept of Orientalism: In actual perspective, Orientalism refers to Orient or East, akin to the term ‘Occident,’ which means West. Said in his book Orientalism perceives the term as comprising of many false presumptions, misconceptions, and various wrong assumptions as conceived by Westerners towards those residing in Eastern parts of the world (however, here it must be noted that Said primarily relates Orientalism to the Middle East, where he had spent some years as a child). As Cheryl McEwan informs, Said in
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Business plan for SBA music in developing new services Assignment
Business plan for SBA music in developing new services - Assignment Example SBA Music is operating in an environment mainly influenced by two associations which represent the Record Companies in Australia – ARIA, which licenses the right to copy music, and PPCA which licenses the right to play recorded music in public (SAB). Their initiative to push tariffs up is likely to impact negatively on other musical suppliers and this is likely to affect the B2B music market within Australia. For SAB there are various factors that affect its operations such as social demographic as well as economic. Their products are tailored to appeal to a wide range of audiences and through improved technological advances the organisation can capitalise on both computer and mobile software. It is a force to reckon with especially with its highly organised programming team which is always on top when it comes to supporting local artists. The market for SBA Music is diverse and very wide according to information obtained from the website. The target market ranges from the you ng to the older generations and they produce and mix music to be played in various outlets including the retail shops, bars, restaurants, hotels and even hair saloons. These are also distribution channels and products should be tailored to appeal to different target groups on the basis of age.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Strategic Direction For The Future Business Essay
The Strategic Direction For The Future Business Essay THE HONDA MOTOR COMPANY LIMITED has established in 24th September 1948. Honda has expansion to take a leading position in the field of motorcycle automobile and power product Japanese market was in the nuisance because of the shortage of money and fuel but JAPAN was still in require of basic transportation Honda utilise All rights booked. Honda manufacturing facility attract engine to a bicycle that create cheap and efficient method of transportation. HONDA HEAD OFFICE JAPAN In the global market the Honda is world largest engine manufacture and market leader in the motorcycle. Honda has been operating 120 manufacturing facility in 29 country and 167,234 people worldwide Honda has broaden whole over the world in the following market. Honda established in United States of America in 1959 by the name of American Honda motor company .inc. In Thailand 1964 Asian Honda motor company limited. The first market in the Europe in 1963 Honda (UK) limited recognized in the LONDON Honda found in the South America (BRAZIL SAO PAULO) in the 1971 by the name of Honda motor Brazil. By the late 1980 the only 25 year after the firm entered in the automobile industry. The key point of go in front the Hondas success is continuous innovation that was found by MR SOICHIRO HONDA had a great interest in automobile as basis today the Honda company stand as the 9th largest motor cycle manufacture in the world. The market share of the Honda until now 10.2 % and its ranked a no 5 in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. In 2006 Honda aircraft company begins the sales of the in Honda jet advance light jet .in the 2006 the Honda aviation company awarded by popular science magazines the winner of the publications 2006 aviation and space category The Honda Philippines begins the mass production their motorcycle plant Honda established subsidiary in Ukraine. New automobile plant in the Vietnam begins operation (civic) and flexible car at Brazil launched the cold wing airbag the first man market motorcycle with an air bag system .new company to conduct solar cell business established. In 2007 Honda sales it is going to launch low price hybrid and advance diesel technological in the near future .they were also voted as number one car manufacture in the world for the third period . 1.2 CURRENT MARKET POSITION In 2007 the price of fuel was high and the less efficient (US) economy but Honda reported 1%sales increased while its competitor including Toyota has reported double loss. Honda sales grow approximately 20% in 2007 year. Honda Nissan and Toyota were still not safe to the global financial crisis of 2008 as these company declined in the profits at the Beijing auto show Honda presented the LI NIAN 5-door niche bank and announced that they were looking to developed an entry level brand exclusively for the Chinese market similar Toyota SCION brand in the USA PRINCIPAL PRODUCT AND FUNCTION OF EACH SEGMENT Segment Principal product and services Function Motorcycle business Motor cycle terrain vehicles and personal motor craft and vehicle Research and development manufacturing sales related service Automobile business Auto and relevant parts Research and development manufacturing sales related service Financial service business Financial insurance services Research and development manufacturing sales and related services Power product and other business Power products and relevant part and others Research and development manufacturing sales and related services others GEOGRAPHICAL REGION TOTAL REVENUE IN MILLIONS IN 2007 Japan  ¥68,190 North America  ¥5,980,876 Asia  ¥1283,154 Europe  ¥1236,757 Other  ¥905,163 EMPLOYEE WORLD WIDE IN HONDA In whole over the world Honda had 144.785 employee in 2006 this number has increased in 2007 and reached at 167,231 in the Honda group. In 2007 the sale of Honda grew 11.9 percent compared in 2006. In the foreign market the sales grew 7.7 percentages on automobile and 9.3 percentage on the power product. Because of the world recession motorcycle market of Honda in the North America, Europe or in the Asian market is not grew real. Honda operating data in the percentage according to the business portfolio in the 2007 Business Percentage Motorcycle 13.44 Automobile 78.46 Financial 4.01 Power product and other 4.09 1.3 STRATEGY APPLIED BY HONDA COMPANY THE GLOBAL STRATEGY As Honda is global company and Honda Company has broaden whole over the world in America, Europe or in the Asia. The strategy is to maintain the competent supply the extreme quality of the product at low price worldwide customer and satisfied them. However also improve their quality to develop more in product and launched into the global market and commitment for the future. CORPORATE STRATEGY The Honda Company is includes four business- motorcycles, automobile, power and the financial business. In 1963 the Honda becomes the leader with the characteristics like extreme fuel economy, best safety product and driving more contentment. Honda proves their self not in Japan and US but it has proved worldwide. Motor business was the first business of the Honda because of the special interest of the MR HONDA in the auto mobile. Honda has operated lucratively in 28 motorcycle plant in the 21 countries as well as RD operation in the US, INDIA, ITALY, CHINA, GERMANY and THAILAND. Then Honda becomes the more popular than ever. The first power product lunched in the 1953 and has prolonged portable generator, out board engines, power carrier. The power products are produced at 11 plants in the 9 different countries. Honda is stretched it to the robot industry with ASIMO and Honda has reached on the sky after launched Honda jet and also providing financial services worldwide to improve the sales. ASIMO BUSINESS STRATEGY Honda business strategy is to RD compete in the competitive automobile industry .Honda always focus on the quality of the product ,durability and environmental and social issues, low fuel efficiency than other automobile industry in the market in the. Honda continuously creative and innovative technical foundation, these all strategy leads Honda slowly in the US and Europe at time of oil rate flatution and the world recession but Honda keep their RD strategy that will benefits people as well as company in the future. The dealership of the Honda is also one the strength. The innovation and the efficient service supply, manufacturing and distribution system is also a source of success in the global market. ACCORDING TO HONDA ANNUAL REPORT 2007 Global auto sales by company Sale in percentage General motor 13 Ford motor 10 Volkes wagon 5 Nissan motor 15 Honda motor 5 Toyota 12 Other 40 The world automobile market is captured by Asian brands in the US market .threats to the US car maker is the growing TOYOTA ,HONDA and NISSAN that are threatening strategy to the GENERAL MOTOR the world current largest car maker. The Honda motor competitor of all time whole over the world TOYOTA MOTOR, NISSAN HYUNDAI .FORD VOLKES WAGON and GENERAL MOTOR. OPERATIONAL STRATEGY Honda operational strategy is to satisfy their customer worldwide by customer or also keeping the high level of transparency in the operational level they also follow the law and the regulation to perform better their operational strategy according to the country where they want to do business. The Honda strategy is to look future forecast. The Honda operates worldwide market with the 167234 employees and associate to produce their service to 23million customer annually worldwide. INDIVIDUAL STRATEGY The individual strategy of Honda Company is to sell with happiness, produce by happiness, and buy with the happiness. Sell with the happiness means to make good communication with their dealer and. Produce with the happiness means manufacturing and RD and produce quality product whole over the world for their customer. Buy with the happiness means associate with their customer expectation whole over the world. 2 CURRENT MARKET SITUATIONS BY MACRO ANALYSIS The macro analysis examines opportunities and threats that exist in the environment. Both opportunities and threats exist independently of the organization. The SWOT ANALYSIS differentiates between a strength and weakness from an opportunity and threat. PESTLE and Porters 5 Forces have been regarded as two effective tools they are also known as the macro factors. 2.1 PESTEL ANALYSIS OF HONDA P POLITICAL In the 1965 the US was engage with the Vietnam in war. American represents the Honda 50 modal in the south Asian market because of the bad economic condition modal 50 was not so much success is was declined in the market. In the 2005 the interest rates in the Indonesia were rise because of the government improbability it effect inflation and rising the price of the gasoline in 2006 the government strategy remain same but suddenly the economy of the India were boost on that time the demand of the motorcycle were high their and the easy business rule and the tax regulation lead Honda to India than Honda start making the profit that was one of the strength of the Honda. E ECONOMIC Honda become wider its business in whole over the world (North America, Europe, and Asia) because of the world recession Honda loss their consumer heavily the other factor also influence like rising the price of fuel declined the demand for the automobile , motorcycle, and the power product . Because of the recession and the fluctuating gas price in 2007 Honda unit sales declined 18.2% in the North America. S SOCIAL CULTURAL Honda has 167,134 employees worldwide Honda has improve the employment for the local community in the North America, Europe and in the Asia. Since the recession is entered in whole over the world Honda is innovative and introduce new product in the market less cost and the best quality than China manufacturers they also have done research and development on to produce or launch less pollution vehicles in whole over the world. T TECHNOLOGICAL Technology is vital for competitive advantage and is a most important driver of globalization. Honda has utilising the information technology to control their world wide operation. On the production process the Honda motor is innovated since they have started automobile business. Honda is innovated in the auto fit machine and mass production, distribution, reduces cost also save time. On the marketing process Honda advertise on the news paper, Magazine. With the help of the internet (IT) they have displayed their upcoming modal on the different web site or encourage people trading on line. L LEGAL The parameters set for a business by a governing body like the legal implications in terms of products and services to be sold out, in terms of rules and regulations imposed on employment by law etc .china manufacturer start making problem to Honda .the chins manufacturer start making the motorcycle in the southern Asia to defeat Honda the economic condition of the south Asia was not good because of the recession or oil price fluctuation .the people were not buying the Honda motor cycle at the same time chins manufacturer start making the motorcycle on the very less price than Honda, to overcome this situation Honda launched new modal VAVE in the market with less price and high quality. E ENVIRONMENTAL the environmental problem like global warming, hole on ozone layer because of the pollution. Honda continuously research on the less emit ion of CO2 toxic waste to develop hybrid and electronic vehicle. They have also generated and implement less pollution diesel engine. 2.2 PORTERS FIVE FORCES ANALYSIS Porters five forces analysis helps to contrast a competitive environment of the organisation its also shown in the diagram description are as following. Threat of new entrants now a days the business environment is very competitive in whole over the world .ford is continuously, aggressively committing with the Honda or producing barriers to make maximum profit for the Honda in the market. Honda has also getting the problem in the distribution system in the USA rather than FORD because of the US government law and policies. 2. Bargaining power of Buyers Buyers are the customer of Honda always take care of the expectation their customer, as Honda is global company so the Honda always keep innovating, developing, researching and launching new product for the different age group for instance Honda launched air blade scooter in the Vietnam in 2007 to attract young people but in the 2007 Suzuki has also launched modal of Hayete scooter with same function like air blade but price was less than air blade so the customer preferred to buy Hayete scooter modal of Suzuki result the share price of Honda were shrink. 3. Threat of substitute products Brands like Yamaha motorcycle company Yamaha can be the best competitor for the Honda. Yamaha is also pioneered in the business of the motorcycle manufacturing, if the Yamaha make good quality than the Honda for instance R6 modal of the Yamaha is close substitutes of the Honda modal F4 if the Yamaha innovative or improve the quality and decline the price than Honda it can be very serious problem for Honda. 4. Bargaining power of suppliers Contract, raw material suppliers, the volume of the raw material providers would determine their supply capacity, supplier are very powerful. Honda always influence on to produce less price vehicle than other motor company like general motor, ford motor to compete in the market .supplier are very power full they can refuse to do work with the or they can switch their supply or start doing work with GM motor or the ford motor, in case Honda loss their key supplier it might be affect cost it could go up. 5. Competitive rivalry Its the business competition in between other company in the market in the automobile industry Honda has three bigger rival Honda have to compete with them like general motor, ford motor, and Toyota motor. these three rival of Honda always keep innovation research and development on their modal time to time to compete in the market for instance Honda introduce ACCORD modal in1976,after that the Toyota introduce the modal CAMRY in the market. At the same time general motor introduce MALIBU and ford introduced FUSION. Toyota. General motor and ford motor can replace Honda from the market .Honda have to improve their quality and should be more innovate to compete. 2.3 SWOT ANALYSIS HONDA STRENGTHS Highly aware brand name and the company stand on the 9 position on global scale with the 167000 employee and the associate. Honda has made outstanding relations with their suppliers, stake holder or with customer worldwide developing the manufacturing technology. Differentiation from other company like Toyota, GM motor ford economically. Environmental conscious they have launched hybrid cars or less emit ion diesel engines.. Since they have been start automobile business Honda motor is Innovative, and doing research and development to satisfy the need of the customer. WEAKNESS The Honda is global company Image of the company is more of a cool kind and not professional some time they stress a lot on to produce a low price automobile Its not global, focuses mainly on the UNITED STATES or the Europe. Has only one main hub and limited destination to do to business OPPURTUNITIES Since they started the business in the automobile industry they highly Target the major continents (SOUTH ASIA, AMERICA, and EUROPE) Honda has opening more hubs in key geographical areas as business units in the Vietnam china and India. Sales promotions and marketing on the global scale through different websites and different business magazines. THREATS Changing the government policies taxation policies in different countries fuel rate fluctuation world economic recession. Threat from the big brand in the global market like (GENERAL MOTOR, FORD, TOYOTA. These all creates competitive environment in global market for Honda motor. The Global economic recession, fuel price fluctuation worldwide and natural disasters like tornado hurricane. 2.4 KEY DRIVERS High quality, low price more safety feature like airbag etc. Honda motor organizational environment is very professional, they innovative the supply chain and the distribution system and the manufacturing system is the core competency. Personal research on the customer need in the global market. They have separate department to handle the customer complaint and the customer issue. 2.5 CORE COMPETENCY The core competency of the Honda motor is to launch their product in the global market with low price than other automobile company in the global market. 2.6 ORGANISATIONS STRUCTURE Reference http//world,honda.com/profile /organisation/ The Honda have supervise their operation from the Japan in whole over the world like in the china, Asia oceanic, Europe Latin America north regional sales operates from the Japan As Honda is a global organisation, the stake holder is customer their employee, business individual company, trading union. The position of their stake holder is very strong worldwide. Board of the director primary duty is to select qualified employee and associated or the CEO to run their operation very smoothly worldwide. The working environment of the Honda corporation is very friendly, good communication with employee and board of the director. Honda has continuously coordinated with internal and external manpower in board of director and auditors to perform well in the market. The Honda Corporation operate their four basic operations in the automobile motorcycle and power product and service part. 2.7 SYNOPSIS OF THE HONDA/SUMMARY The following report looks after the macro analysis of an organisation, and considering all these factors gives us the understanding of SWOT analysis of the organisation pestel analysis porter five forces and key driver and core competency. Based on this marketing analysis, Mr sosichiro Honda the founder of the Honda motor because of his great interest in the automobile. He has made a big global organisation to serve their product in whole over the world including American continent Europe and Asia. Honda gives respect individually, every employee give them chance to grow up them self and initiate. Initiate means the company encourage people to be creative. Honda motor is also described as the all the three HAPPINESS. BUY WITH THE HAPPINESS, PRODUCE WITH HAPPINESS, SELL WITH THE HAPPINESS. Honda maintain his position in the global scale they have done innovation since they have started Honda motor in 1948 and the consistency in the in the operations, manufacturing and supply worldwide. in the term of the advertise to spread awareness about their product time to time on different web sites and news paper, different business magazines Key factor to survive or compete in the global market fulfil the demand of their customer and make happy their stake holders. Honda proudly focus on innovation 3 STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS FOR FUTURE The choices of the company is launched more innovated product in the global market less pollution. Since they have launched less emit ion diesel engine for the air craft and hybrid car for the safe environment. Now the Honda strategy is to explore the business in the market or India and china and north America (brazil) because these two countries economy is grooving very fast so buying power the consumer is very high .now they have already launched so many automobile in the Indian market like less price Honda unicorn 150 cc engine, Honda dio, Honda eterno scooter and to be more innovated to produce more economical vehicle less pollution better feature and more safety for their consumer. Or they also advertising of their new product launching on the different web site or in the different magazine their strategy is to make people fully aware about their new products in the global market. Honda also gives the environmental training for employee and associate or develop more technology t o become a global market leader. 3.1 LIMIT RANGE OF CHOICES FOR FUTURE 3.1.1 Based on the competitive strategy Honda is global organisation its spread around the world it stand on the 9th place in automobile industry there are some outstanding company in the world of automobile also spread around the world like Toyota .general motor, ford, mercerizes, these all motor has made the very competitive environment for business in front of the Honda motor. According to the analysis of the section one and two the position of the Honda motor in the global market is better than the other company in the market in 2007 the Honda motor is reported 1 percent of growth in the time of world recession or fuel rate fluctuation in whole over the world all company like General motor, ford or other automobile company record very heavy losses on their sale on the global scale but Honda motor is innovated since they start automobile business. 3.2 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR HONDA After look at all the analysis of the organisation Honda should have to do the smart work to become the global leader. Honda is global company. The board of director and the associate have to select right person for the right job like the hire good and educated people to perform the in the organisation and the director of the Honda motor should have to perform their duty to control the quality and to develop more technology to perform in the manufacturing process or in the distributing process The risk management system prevent and addressed the different kind of the risk in the company like fuel rate fluctuation, world economic recession Natural disaster and the risk manage department, should have full knowledge how to make our organisation more profitable in the global market or how to overcome by this kind of risk. The Honda motor has the potential to become truly global leader if they spread their units of two wheeler countries like Australia and some African country. The information on the execution of the business by director .the time to time auditing should be done by senior management to have control on the manufacturing process or in the distribution process. The Honda motor is doing good business in whole over the world they get the good profit margin at the time world economic recession however the other company like Toyota, GM motor and ford motor got heavy loss in the sale. Honda motor have to be more innovative developed their technology in the manufacturing and to be continuing with the research and development. 3.3 THE SUPPORT OF THE RECOMMENDATION As Honda is global automobile organisation on this level the customer expectation are will reach on the top the Honda have to jam-packed the demand of the customer in the global market. Honda has the potential to become the global leader in the automobile industry. In the some parts the Honda motor was not did well at the time of world economic recession because of the less potentiality of the employees to in the so many areas like information execution and analyse the risk in the market thats why i recommend to Honda motor should select write employee and the associate for write job to become global leader in this competitive environment. And the Honda did not have the potential to analysis risk like economic recession, fuel rate fluctuation how to overcome and make profit in the global market. After the whole analysis of the report of the Honda motors (executive the top management) information execution was not performing well and the distribution system. i find the Honda should ha ve take care of all these fact to become a innovative and the true automobile manufacturer in the global competitive market.
Friday, October 25, 2019
All The King’s Men :: essays research papers
The title of the book is All The King’s Men and the Publication date for this book is 1996. The author Robert Penn Warren was a very famous author. His life was full of many achievements that helped him become recognized. He even won the Pulitzer Prize for this book All The King’s Men. Warren was inspired to write this book because when he was younger he lived in the state of Louisiana and around this time Huey P. Long was already an established politician. Warren started out writing poetry but then turned to writing novels. His works are loved and cherished by many and even used in today’s schools. It is safe to say that Robert Penn Warren was one of America’s most brilliant writers. This book takes place in the southern part of the United States in the 1930s. Although Warren never reveals the true setting of this book, one can conclude that this took place in Louisiana seeing how Warren became inspired in that state by a person who is mirrored in this very book. Part of this novel is in Mason City. Another place in this novel is Burden’s Landing Jack , the main character, goes there many times because this is his hometown. This novel is mainly about the rise and fall of the political figure Willie Stark told through the eyes of his business associate and friend Jack Burden. Willie stark in his early political career is all for helping the people and trying to do what is best for them. As he gains power and the trust of his people he soon becomes corrupt by the evils of success. Characters Jack Burden- He is the narrator of this story and he is the companion of Willie Stark. He works at a newspaper company before getting a job from Willie after they become acquainted . Readers will learn his story while they are learning about the life of Willie. Willie Stark-He becomes a treasurer of Mason City and from there his political career takes flight. After becoming a treasurer Stark decides to study law and become a lawyer. After he receives some success he runs for governor and becomes a power-hungry politician. Sadie Burke-She was an employee and mistress of Willie Stark. She has a crude behavior and has an outspoken personality. Later she becomes very intolerant in all the women Stark is with. Two reoccurring motifs and symbols are The Great Sleep and the Hospital.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Landmine Research Paper
Abstract My research topic was landmines. At first I thought that the topic was too broad but came to find that there is so much about the topic that can be discovered. This brought on so many possible research questions. A few were: are they the most dangerous, should they be banned, how long have they been used etc. However, I found that researching the dangers of landmines would be the most appropriate topic for me. My method was to search through the databases and find information that could help formulate a thesis; once that was created I continued my research to help me discover topics for body paragraphs.My research brought me to a lot of conclusions and made me realize that landmines are in fact the most dangerous weapon that can be used it war. A Geographer Explores a Path of Destruction â€Å"Since 1975, landmines have killed or maimed more than 1-million people [across the world]†(Bonsor, 2001). Landmines are becoming increasingly more dangerous as they are constan tly being used in wars. At the time, they seem like the best choice of weaponry but in reality, there are so many more efficient and safer choices that can be made.As I am human geographer, I am concerned with the study of people and places. Therefore, studying how landmines affect the people and their country is a huge part of what I do. It is said that the earliest forms of landmines were used over 2,500 years ago but that Americans were the first to use operational landmines in the war against the Indians in Florida in 1840 (Croll, 1998). Landmines have been used for so long and are becoming more and more dangerous. They used to be manually operated but quickly were developed to blow up when a certain amount of pressure was put on them.However, it was not until 1918 that landmines started being used on a large scale level; this began because assault tanks were now used in wars as well (Croll, 1998). If it were not for landmines, a lot of damage to citizens, animals, and resources would not occur. There are also two categories of landmines; Anti-personnel (AP) mines and Anti-Tank (AT) mines. AT mines are usually larger and contain more explosive materials. These mines are used to disable tanks, trucks, and the people in the surrounding area. They also require more pressure on the rigger plate for it to explode (Bonsor, 2001). However, no matter what type of mine it is, they can all do equal damage on a human being. The damage can be life threatening or even deadly. Mines cannot detect when the war is over or who is stepping on them; they are so dangerous to everyone around them. Sadly, some countries are a lot more affected by landmines than others (Croll, 1998). There are 26 countries in Africa, 9 countries in America, 17 countries in Asia, 25 countries in Europe, and 16 countries in the Middle East all being seriously affected by landmines.These are said to be the countries most affect by this deadly weapon of defense. Landmines are the most dangerous weap on to use in war because they are so deadly, they exists after the war ends, people forget where they placed them, they are cheap to make yet effective, and they kill civilians as well as the enemy. â€Å"Currently, there are more than 100-million landmines located in 70 countries around the world†(Bonsor, 2001). This number is outrageous seeing as many of these countries no longer have war raging through their country. Almost every war uses landmines because they are effective. The purpose of mines when used by armed forces is to disable any person or vehicle that comes into contact with it by an explosion or fragments released at high speeds†(Bonsor, 2001). We know that they are effective and that is why we use them. Nonetheless, we know that they are deadly and can kill in a matter of seconds. If you look at the map on page 8, you can see the large number of casualties throughout the world in 2008. The areas that are blue have high casualty rates; there is too much blue on that map for anyone to accept the horrors that landmines bring to war.Hopefully, one day, we will see white on every country proving that mines are no longer killing people across the world. Another scary thought is that in many instances, the mines do not kill the victim. Loss of arms and legs are very common in these injuries. These injuries do not only physically damage you but according to Shah, 2009, they leave a mental scar on the victim as well. Many people never recover from these traumatic injuries. It is difficult to imagine ever dealing with what these citizens must go through on a daily basis.How many people can actually say they would not fear leaving their own homes after such a terrible experience? Even when the war is over, the mines are not removed. They sit in the ground for years and years to come until some unfortunate soul is unlucky enough to be the one to detonate it. â€Å"Anti-personnel landmines continue to have tragic, unintended consequences yea rs after a battle and even the entire war has ended†(Bonsor, 2001). The process it would take to remove these landmines is a lot more intricate than it is to install them in the first place.You would have to disable it from above ground or detonate it and that would become very difficult and dangerous for the workers. Doing this is not worth it for them, especially if they are not fighting on their own soil. Fighting for your own country is a lot more inconvenient. You may know that land a lot better which gives you an advantage, like in the Vietnam War. Yet, we also have to think about how they are depleting their own resources, destroying their land, and harming their own people.They have to deal with more tragedy once the war is over. We would reason that they would want to avoid using landmines on their own land, but it has yet to stop any country in any war. Landmines are also making globalization a lot harder because it is causing boundaries between countries; that†™s what war does. Having landmines deepens the hate between countries because they cause so much pain. It is hard to trust a country that wants to help you become a core country when they have already destroyed so much of what you love. Thermal infrared (IR) technique has been applied to the detection of shallowly buried landmines for more than a decade and has been found to be promising for non-metallic mines. Its aim is to detect and distinguish landmines from other buried objects (false alarms) using diurnal IR measurements of the air-soil interface†(Thanh, 2011). Although this is very convenient, it does not always work. Many landmines are in fact metallic so if it can only detect non-metallic mines, then it is missing a large amount of deadly weapons. The technique is an amazing start but it is not enough to say that the use of landmines should be allowed.Until a machine is invented that can detect any landmine, none should be used. However, if something like this is i nvented, it defeats the purpose of the mines all together. Either way, with advancements in this day and age, it will not be long before something this magnificent is created and the use of mines is unnecessary; therefore saving hundreds of lives every year. The more they use landmines, the more innocent lives are going to be taken once the conflict has been concluded. Not only do the landmines remain in the ground years after conflict has ended, but often soldiers forget where they have been placed. As time passes, the location of landmines is often forgotten, even by those who planted them†(Bonsor, 2001). This makes these mines even more dangerous. We know that they can kill someone in an instant, but knowing that we do not even know there location is terrifying. Anyone could visit a foreign country and potentially be affected by these killing machines. There is nothing we can even do at this point, especially when it is not on our on soil. When one country invades another, it makes sense that they forget about the location, but when it is your own country, the circumstances are completely different.They are now killing their own people and that is wrong on every possible level. â€Å"Furthermore, in the midst of a conflict or in preparation, records are rarely kept on exact locations for any or all landmines†(Shah, 2009). Therefore, they either do not have a record at all or completely forget about them. These conditions are daunting to imagine. We would hope that if war ever struck in the United States that we would be willing to remove the mines or detonate them before we forgot exactly where we put them. It is scary to think of the possibility of death in your own country post-war due to the effects of war.Since the death toll of landmines is so high we know that they are effective, however many people do not know that they are cheap to make as well. â€Å"Landmines are easy-to-make, cheap and effective weapons that can be deployed easily over large areas to prevent enemy movements†(Bonsor, 2001). The fact that they are cheap makes it a lot easier and more convenient to use them in wars. We could predict that if they were not so cheap then less countries would want to use them as a weapon. However, at this point in time, it seems that the only thing that could possibly stop the use of landmines is a law.It would be great if everyone just stopped using them because the causality rate is so high but they are more worried about killing soldiers and do not worry about what is going to happen to the civilians decades later. The more wars they are used in, the easier and cheaper it gets to produce them (Thanh, 2011). This should be reason enough to stop all use of the mines. This needs to end before it is too late. Too many people are getting maimed by these mines. It is clear that they are beneficial during the war but the affects after the war are far from worth a potential victory.It is not fair to the rest of t he world to use these when we are the ones getting caught in the crossfire. Once the war had ended, the only people left to be effected by the landmines are the citizens. â€Å"Horrific stories and pictures from all around the world often showed that civilians were the main landmine casualties in large numbers  and continued to be so years after the warring factions have left the battlefield†(Shah, 2009). This is alarming to hear. They did nothing to deserve this terrible fate therefore they should not be the ones whose lives are destroyed because of them.One of the worst parts of the situation is that the ones affected are often children. You may see the physical damages on the outside, but there are so many mental scars on the inside. â€Å"Education rates among child survivors are lower than average while school drop-outs are more frequent, diminishing employment prospects later on†(Shah, 2009). It is not fair that children have to suffer so much for a war they may not have even been alive to experience. Even if they had been alive it is unlikely that they had been a part of the war; they were most likely just a citizen in a village or town nearby.There futures are ruined due to factors that are not their fault; it is a miserable start to a child’s life leading to an even more miserable ending. They do not deserve to live under these horrible conditions. We should be able to do more to help, but at this point, there is nothing we can do but hope that innocent people stop getting injured. Landmines are becoming more dangerous as the number of casualties increase. Many civilians may have to resort to voluntary migration to avoid the dangers that the area may bring.Something needs to be done to stop these terrifying mines from being used during war. The five themes of geography can be applied because the layout and production of landmines relates to it. The first theme is location. Landmines are everywhere. In the map on page 8, we can see just how common they really are and just how many people are affected by them. They were not put into the Earth so that people would never set them off, they were meant to destroy. The second theme is human-environment interaction; the relationship between human and the physical world.The mines could be around any corner of the world and these causes a relationship of fear for the people living with these dangers. The third theme is region. This relates to landmines because more often than not, landmines are placed in regions that soldiers would be crossing. They are strategically placed by the enemy. â€Å"[We as geographers] use fieldwork, quantitative, and qualitative methods to develop insightful descriptions of different regions of the world†(Fouberg, 2009). The fourth theme is place. Each landmine has a unique location depending on who planted it and who their target is.Each landmine has its own distinctive mission. Finally, the fifth theme is movement. Civi lians must relocate during and after war to avoid the tragedies brought on by landmines and even other war effects. This is not fair to them but it is something that should be done to ensure their safety and the safety of their families. My conclusions is that landmines are the most dangerous weapon to use in war because they are so deadly, they exists after the war ends, people forget where they placed them, they are cheap to make yet effective, and they kill civilians.All these reasons are enough to show that landmines should not be used in wars. â€Å"These landmines are perhaps amongst the most awful weapons on the battlefield today, they are inanimate victim-activated explosive devices recognizing neither friend nor foe, making no distinctions between soldiers or civilians they continue maiming and killing long after war is over†(Shaun, 2011). None of the achievements seem worth all the pain and suffering. It may seem that they are helping in war efforts but in the long run, they are doing more damage than good. These mines continue to be functional for many decades, causing further damage, injury and death†(Bonsor, 2001). It is unfathomable to understand the fear that goes through the minds of civilians in many countries when they walk out the door. Could I fall victim to a landmine today? Do they have any idea what is coming? They may even think that nothing will happen to them or that all the mines have been detonated. Little do they know, there are still hundreds, maybe even thousands still lurking in the soil of a place they call home. http://www. he-monitor. org/index. php/publications/display? url=lm/2009/maps/casualties. html This is a map of the world that shows the number of casualties, in 2008, that mines and explosive remnants of war (ERW) have caused. Works Cited Bonsor, Kevin. (19 June 2001). How Landmines Work. How Stuff Works. Retrieved from http://science. howstuffworks. com/landmine7. htm Croll, Mike. (November 1998). Histo ry of Landmines. Pen and Sword Books. Retrieved from http://members. iinet. net. au/~pictim/mines/history/history. html Fouberg, Erin H. (2009).Human Geography: People, Place, and Culture. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Shah, Anup. (27 November 2009). Landmines. Global Issues. Retrieved from http://www. globalissues. org/article/79/landmines Shaun, Allan. (2011). Call of Duty – Modern Warfare: The Effects of Landmines and IEDs on British Troops in Afghanistan. Baltic Security and Defense Review, Vol. 13, 6-20. Thanh, Nguyen Trung. (April 2011). Detection and characterization of buried landmines using infrared thermography. Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering, Vol. 19, 281-301.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Ethics And Politics In Early Childhood Education Essay
Ethics have been universally and particularly the most argued about and on assessment in the worldwide community ever and even since and when globalization occurred around the world in the past five years and it had become such a strongly argued about subject that most people could not by be opinionated around since there is no agreeable standard of what ethics are, could be and should be done about to unify worldwide as the world is becoming more than a small village (mostly becoming one small street with the speed of airplanes and crafts traveling from one part of the world to the other). Such as ethics, is the idea of morals, then, what are morals? It is the number of beliefs resonated into the heart which allow most of the world of ideas which occupy the brain to be able to make sense of what the world of behavioral activities of the person who is in hold of it to be. Morals turn to, or are named, ethics whenever the ethics are the number of ideas which occur in the universal subject matter of thoughts and ideas, which control over the heart such as the idea of emotional intelligence, and is its system of how it occurs and makes thoughts in the mind stream in the consciousness. So, what is the consciousness? It is the effect of the left side of the brain upon the right side of the brain which controls the heart with its influential hormones and emotions upon the mind and the heart. This is the return of the influence of the left side of the brain on the right side as the left brain side is the side responsible for our verbal and physical actions being under the activity of the right brain’s emotions. Thus, morals are ethics when the intelligence is the more effective side on the mind and thus the body, but, is emotionally more influential when the right side of the brain occurs to be using that idea which occurs in the left side as being its moderator and as its idea of what the methodological idea of the brain should be and according to what it means to be in the physical world of the brain (what is real from what is imaginative). Such thoughts and perspectives manualize what we mean as moral and what we mean as ethical. What has politics got to mean this for? To re-phrase: what does politics mean to ethics? Politics could be grammatized as being meaning : many ticks ( poly= many, tics=ticks) which occur in how we act whenever we try to make sense of the works of art that make up our ideas of what is the meaning of what we take from decisions. Thus, the opportunities that present to us the factual beliefs of taking a step into using our politicalized decisions makes us believe what we could and are able to make sense of whenever we try to make such a belief as being correct. This is very valuable as it poses us to ourselves as believing that such understanding could make thought as being valuable in the image of me and us inside ourselves, our ego, id and egoism. What has a child’s ethics got to do with political understanding of the world at such a young age? Any child, briefly has the understanding of a grown up even if they do not understand that in the complicated lexicon of our lives as grown ups and as to how we make decisions when we try to make sense of our minds when we try to be able to do an act, unlike a child, we consume much thinking but a child takes immediate action according and based on how much self-consciousness and self-confidence according to the much gratitude it has surrounding it on the self-reliance bounty which is its capital to making right or wrong decisions. Thus, when a child has more ego pleasure the more they go right and vice versa. A child leaves the adult sphere of supervision and consent when it grows among people who only criticize it as being thoughtless and unable to make its own decisions whenever they try to take bigger steps. Teaching politics could be a very dangerous thing to such a child who has had his mind functioning according to the number of pleasures in the mind it gets alongside its heart pleasure whenever it is pleased with the amount of ideas it has from the goodness it has in its mind from what it receives from gratitude, any mistake in political decisions could lead it to far larger consequences it was unable to take as a child among people in its own sphere. The sphere grows more whenever it tries to find out that the big home it lives in is the actual fate of the large globe it lives in, especially if it comes from a home where its resources for living depend mostly on small percentages of gratification which will allow it more to be an enemy of the state of the environment it grown in. he other way of turning this down is to have the minds of those surrounding it to elevate to the mind the child it has created ( elevated as in making sense of the free willing child that goes against them, regarded as being someone who is unable to make decisions and being an â€Å"outlaw†just because such a child is unable to grow with the law of the family system). Thus, when the child is spoken to its reasoning has not to be questioned than to be scrutinized. This scrutiny has two effects: 1- the ability to make sense of the small details which lead to the bigger effects of the chain of decisions taken, 2- the idea which the decisions strung from and throughout have become and how they entangled the decision making part of the mind and how such a child could make the ideas right and why that part of the brain has become so tangible to the decisions made that any other mistake will pass by automatically unthought about, mostly because any new and strange or odd thing passed by will remind the emotional part of the brain to have such ideas eliminated that the child has fought against a lot that such an idea is the fact that such beliefs have been anchored simply because such ideas have been in the mind on pulsating basis and not on the factual idealistic basis of what is the proper look and structure of what is correct. To teach a child ethics in early childhood is to teach them not to rely on their parents as being the first and most trusted source of education and informative asset of the mind because such education will rely on what the heart will feel whenever seeking any homage in anywhere or place whenever there are ideas and minds surrounding his or her environment whenever it goes outside home, especially that childhood stage involves a lot of emotions for other children and relying on parents as being those who are the most supportive source of what goes on in the world of decision taking and opinion making and judgmental sources of what is right and what is wrong in the world around them. The fact starts to discarnate whenever there is an idea that there are other ideas in the world which are popularly and unanimously appreciated and accepted unlike those of the parents and the family. Thus, free education at a young age allows a higher and broader base of children with different intelligences to make such an idea of the unanimosity of the ideas which are privilege accepted to be sought-after beds for better ideas and intelligences which exist around the world, especially in an open sourced media and idealistic behavioral in the community of the child, thus, the idea of the freedom of speech and idealism of the dutifulness of serving the country it belongs to as being thoughtful as allowing the child to think freely and adopt what it feels like in the heart of its consciousness being left to do so as equally at any age of 15 for male or female whenever there are ideas and thoughts which will not interfere with the working firmness of the society, being seen as sacred, not regarding the thinking background so long as it will not interfere with the mentality of the mind and heart whenever there is any idea that will progress the working system which has nothing to do with the ethics or morals of the mind. Thus, what is the effect of the ethics of the heart and mind on what is seen in the mind or the work which every worker has to have and make sense of to be able to be â€Å"applicable†to the job? The question allows us the justification of an open community to have such ideas to be separable as ethical work and ethics outside the system of work (after-working-hours-ethics and during-working-hours-ethics). This allows the schizophrenic mentality of the worker, growing up since childhood to be something as familiar and as rightful to obtain whether ethically, psychologically (forcefully or not) as the environment has besought in differing between the working environment and the not working environment (home, friends, etc. ). hus, the idea of such ideas being split into halves are what is taught to the child since childhood, such as when answering the phone they are told not to tell X of the presence of Y so they wouldn’t have to speak to them, while, if the child asks Y to do that with Z, they are punished and are explained to as being â€Å"children who do not understand the way of the grown up living†. What hatches this problem is the child’s growing into teenage and having to make decisions based on what it imbued emotionally in its childhood age, now having to conflict with them seriously at an age which has to have them ready before entering the field of work they would like to fit themselves in, mostly listening to rock and metal and all sorts of music which have words which agree with that content in their brain which occurs in the heart of the mind of the emotional intelligence of the brain. Thus, the child is a victim of the idealism of what is right and wrong, according to what the society has them understand. Thus, whenever such a child goes to think of serious matters, the mind will immediately go to a singer who will choose words to rap (basically0 according to what that child feels especially that that child has something inside them leaning to have someone say that â€Å"they are correct†. Thus, if a superstar works in the political ideas field, most of the fans with ethical and political issues based o what their environment has put them through will have them speak of truly. Which brings the question up: is it true that ethics and politics is taught through music or is it reinforced through music? Both ideas and suppositions are perfectly correct for two reasons: first, the musical background sets as a pacemaker of the rhythmic pulsation of the heart while the brain works on enumerating the ideas which it accepts ( the idea that the heart is the pacemaker of the body while the mind is the intelligence headquarters which is allowed to work properly without any problematic functioning of discussions from the memory of the heart which is hypnotized by the repetitive beat of the song ( or the – with too many similarly sounding rhythms of many songs nowadays- beat of the song which is unchangeable while the song is spoken out) that helps the mind and heart to think what is the idea that is conveyed with the beat. Yet, it also supports the theory that idea actually are effective and affected by the type of beat the song rhymes the words through and into the listener’s heart. This is to say that not because a beat is repetitive that the music is properly conveying the idea of the song, but actually it depends on what each heart temperately tempers the temperament of the music words sung according to the mood of the song reflected through the beat of the rhyme. What happens then is the frequency of the understanding of ideas similar in beat or in word formation and phrasal idomacy †related to idomatics of the words spoken, especially when the music industry tends to use words out of context when they try to trun around meanings†which leads to the child’s understanding that the idea is not under-estimated as the parents and social background says it is, but, that certain ages also agree, expanded to races, ethnicities and etc. which allow the accumulation and culmination of thoughts into the prospectively up growing child who will become the political behaviorist of certain other ages (family wise, work wise, school wise, etc. which will only allow much more degeneration of ideas and language linguistically especially, alongside lexically, which will allow the mind and heart to think that these ideas are opinionatedly discoursed over and around which means that anybody could be right and anybody could be wrong and they b oth are correct and convincingly proper in how they handle their agreements or disagreements of the ideas spoken about depending on how the environment is and how they support themselves with or against it. It becomes the fight of life whenever such a child grows up to understand the belief of what such understanding is whenever there are ideas which grown into unanimity that these ideas are actually correct as equally as their possibility of being regarded and believed to be incorrect. Thus, what is the solution? Solutions vary according to what is respected from emotional beliefs in children who could not speak properly of what is inside of them and those who speak out openly and vastly and ferociously 9 at times) based on their own capacities and capabilities as well as abilities which exist in the child. Thus, egoism of ethics and political teachings grow with the child according to who they see themselves as wrong, right and equals and unequals to them. This is to say that the more the child thinks they are able imaginatively to make their experiences their own guidelines for the security of ethics they have and their intellect then they will be no more than they could when they are speaking with others who are unable or will not be willing to show themselves as agreeing to them or that they actually are incorrect. This is to say that ethics grow according to what the child sees from experiences, such as the idea of gangs and bands and single MCs in the music industry, such are the expansions of teaching ethics and politics to children who are in environments where there are no â€Å"plan B’s†since plan b is actually a sophisticated understanding of where I agree to find myself to be after standing up moralistically to what my mind is, even though I am called crazy and unable to get my dreams , being better a †dreamer off of my dreams†. Thus, teaching ethics and political thinking to children is to give them the broadest lines possible for what is common in people’s changing ethics around them in a rapidly changing Mindy World. This in respect to the ethics which emotionally people go through, especially with the fact that they store their emotions as strong and powerful for the one goal in their life which is the idea of such understanding which exists in the thought of the world which makes sense of what is the idea of the world as being understood as being behaviorally immoralistic seeing that child as always incorrect and seeking relinquishment through their making their ideas dormant and working via the subconscious, a darker moodier way of working out the emotional intelligence which is the idea of the thought of what is true and what is false in the mind of the universe in whole, growing to believe that the world is a sick world where morals are left to scatter around and either disorder, misorder or destruct or re-build or build according to what such an idea is (moral-ethical-behavior-turned-through-politics). These reasons are what make the idea of such beliefs true, thus, teaching politics and how to handle political thoughts in the work of the sequence of people has the idea of what is the real world like, which is, obviously, not allowing me to grow and be true whenever there are ideas which support my theories of ethics and politics from home. Ideas are for everyone, especially when these ideas are commonly found in all theories of the world philosophically. Such philosophy is the idea of what goes on in everything, ever child grows to find there are common theories in the operations of everything and that they, whenever they try to make sense of the idea as changeable to correct in the mind of the others, thus, the ideas die away because simply that influential id in me has no place in the theory of the world if I am not of an influential position and with a strong political view. Thus, even politically regarding of the theologies of religions and theories which deal in the Creator’s existence grow up to be resolved under what I need in life which could not be afford to me except with the supernatural power of the creator’s being 9 however they may be like or be in existence as character, etc). Thus, the idea of teaching ethics to children as well as childhood political making decisions could be variating and unable to make sense in the child who will grow up mostly having them shattered in his or her mind as being invaluable at all, since such unity of the ideas does not disperse to form refractions of rainbows from a glass or crystal prism of ideas, which to the child is invisible and non-existent as there is o proof that colorlessness of a material could reflect colorful ideas and beliefs and practices, etc, since the belief that anything is colorless that refracts and disperses colors, actually is a fake Descartian thought of the secondary characteristics of objects which have to be proven with the theory †I think, therefore, I am†which needs to make me believe that I actually exist first to prove that I could think, since my thoughts are invaluable in my environment (community, society, school, etc) until some source which could provide me materialism wor th having anf fighting for in the world which is not massively produced for everyone unable (such as the comparison between plastic beads and golden jewelry for example), could be provided, thus, and only thus, I could believe that the Descartian theory of existence could be powerfully applied upon, to and by me and that Anatole France was correct to say : †Knowledge is Power†.
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