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Sirk and Fassbinder All That Is Allowed Essay Example
Sirk and Fassbinder: All That Is Allowed Paper Sort films were made in the brilliant period of Hollywood as an approach to pre-sell motio...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
What is Euthanasia - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 571 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/02/06 Category Medicine Essay Level High school Topics: Euthanasia Essay Did you like this example? Euthanasia is a painless death, some may say euthanasia is a undeviating act for taking a life through prescription drugs. A patient that has a short expand of life can address such an issue with their healthcare provider. Counseling can be provided before the final decision is made by doctor and the patient. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "What is Euthanasia?" essay for you Create order At anytime the patient reserves the right to with draw from the process. The patient however must have good reason for the process before a doctor will approve such a request. Written documentation can be obtained from the ethics of medical and research on the website, through his/her doctors office. If the doctor has agreeded with patient that this is the best option both patient and doctor will be protected through legal binding documents and laws of that state. The patient also has the right to request family, friends and spouses to be present during the time of this process. This type of euthanasia can be considered as a voluntary act. Identify and describe laws regarding euthanasia in your state. The extermination of life is restricted in Louisiana and all through the whole United States. Louisiana Right to Lifes Center for Medical Ethics systematized into law the Louisianas Natural Death Act for consenting or denying medicinal treatment which currently explicitly peruses: Nothing in this Part will be translated to excuse, approve, or favor leniency slaughtering or killing or to allow any agreed or purposeful act or oversight to end life other than to allow the characteristic procedure of passing on (RS 40:1299.58.10). Explain a recent case about euthanasia and its outcome. Mr. Noel Conway is a 67 yr old termally ill man want to exercise the law on assisted death, so that he may go in a more dignified way. The request was presented and denied three times in court. Mr.Conway revealed that the Suicide Act of 1961 contradicts article 8 in reguards to human life and privacy to the judges. However to no avail the judges did not move on the act of euthanasia. Mr. Conway plead his case on the legal matter and he stated that he will continue to come before the courts until his request is granted. Mr. Conway has a breathing machine that carries every breath for him. Even though he is dieseased ridden, his only option is to smother to death by removing the breathing tubes in his nostrals. Mr. Conway feels as if his rights as a human was not only granted but disreguarded. Mr. Conway is not expected to live pass another year. Maybe if he had presented his request under six months of life while in a stable frame of mind. He might have had a better chance at dieing a peaceful death and saying goodbye to love ones at his own leisure. Another reason why his request was denied is because he was depending upon his physician to assist with this act. However the laws is not in favor of act and is strictly prohibited. Based upon what you have read, give your opinion on euthanasia, and support your argument I am against euthanasia because it is morally wrong. To be able to disregard human life due to illnesses and diseases strips away the value of mankind. This could also start a trend in the medical field for using euthanasia as treatment instead of a cure. For religious reasons this takes life from the hands of a higher spiritual power.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Linear Regression Statistics and Analysis
Linear regression is a statistical technique that is used to learn more about the relationship between an independent (predictor) variable and a dependent (criterion) variable. When you have more than one independent variable in your analysis, this is referred to as multiple linear regression. In general, regression allows the researcher to ask the general question â€Å"What is the best predictor of†¦?†For example, let say we were studying the causes of obesity, measured by body mass index (BMI). In particular, we wanted to see if the following variables were significant predictors of a person’s BMI: number of fast food meals eaten per week, number of hours of television watched per week, the number of minutes spent exercising per week, and parents’ BMI. Linear regression would be a good methodology for this analysis. The Regression Equation When you are conducting a regression analysis with one independent variable, the regression equation is Y a b*X where Y is the dependent variable, X is the independent variable, a is the constant (or intercept), and b is the slope of the regression line. For example, let’s say that GPA is best predicted by the regression equation 1 0.02*IQ. If a student had an IQ of 130, then, his or her GPA would be 3.6 (1 0.02*130 3.6). When you are conducting a regression analysis in which you have more than one independent variable, the regression equation is Y a b1*X1 b2*X2 †¦ bp*Xp. For example, if we wanted to include more variables to our GPA analysis, such as measures of motivation and self-discipline, we would use this equation. R-Square R-square, also known as the coefficient of determination, is a commonly used statistic to evaluate the model fit of a regression equation. That is, how good are all of your independent variables at predicting your dependent variable? The value of R-square ranges from 0.0 to 1.0 and can be multiplied by 100 to obtain a percentage of variance explained. For example, going back to our GPA regression equation with only one independent variable (IQ)†¦Let’s say that our R-square for the equation was 0.4. We could interpret this to mean that 40% of the variance in GPA is explained by IQ. If we then add our other two variables (motivation and self-discipline) and the R-square increases to 0.6, this means that IQ, motivation, and self-discipline together explain 60% of the variance in GPA scores. Regression analyses are typically done using statistical software, such as SPSS or SAS and so the R-square is calculated for you. Interpreting the Regression Coefficients (b) The b coefficients from the equations above represent the strength and direction of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. If we look at the GPA and IQ equation, 1 0.02*130 3.6, 0.02 is the regression coefficient for the variable IQ. This tells us that the direction of the relationship is positive so that as IQ increases, GPA also increases. If the equation were 1 - 0.02*130 Y, then this would mean that the relationship between IQ and GPA was negative. Assumptions There are several assumptions about the data that must be met in order to conduct a linear regression analysis: Linearity: It is assumed that the relationship between the independent and dependent variables is linear. Though this assumption can never be fully confirmed, looking at a scatterplot of your variables can help make this determination. If a curvature in the relationship is present, you may consider transforming the variables or explicitly allowing for nonlinear components.Normality: It is assumed that the residuals of your variables are normally distributed. That is, the errors in the prediction of the value of Y (the dependent variable) are distributed in a way that approaches the normal curve. You can look at histograms or normal probability plots to inspect the distribution of your variables and their residual values.Independence: It is assumed that the errors in the prediction of the value of Y are all independent of one another (not correlated).Homoscedasticity: It is assumed that the variance around the regression line is the same for all values of the independent variables. Source StatSoft: Electronic Statistics Textbook. (2011). http://www.statsoft.com/textbook/basic-statistics/#Crosstabulationb.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Supporting children and young people’s positive behaviour Free Essays
Supporting Children and Young People’s positive behaviour. 1. 2. We will write a custom essay sample on Supporting children and young people’s positive behaviour or any similar topic only for you Order Now Describe with examples the importance of all staff consistently and fairly applying boundaries and rules for children and young people’s behaviour in accordance with the policies and procedures of the setting. Boundaries: These are the limits within which behaviour is acceptable or what may, and may not be done. Boundaries are there to guide children and young people’s behaviour in the setting and it is very important for all staffs to consistently apply these boundaries fairly. Behaviour is learnt from what we see others do or say, so, it s very important for the staff to watch children closely and make sure that they apply the boundaries at all times. The importance of staffs applying the rules and boundaries are: It helps children and people to know what is right from wrong. For example, when a child knows what is right from wrong, or what is acceptable and what is not, then they will be able to do the right thing most of the time. If they know jumping is not allowed in the setting then they are going to behave accordingly. If all staff applies the boundaries and rules of their settings, then children will not feel hey are being misled. For example, one staff says they can bring snacks to school and another staff says they are not allowed to bring snacks. If this happens, a child will get confused and feel misled by one of the staff. It enables all the staff to be consistent in their approach in dealing with behaviour issues. For example, if there is no consistency in staff applying the boundaries and rules then there will be chaos in the setting, and this will not help positive behaviour in children. But if there is consistency then every child in the setting will know that no matter whom they go to n the setting, they will always get one answer. The importance of all staff being fair, and consistent are: It helps children to develop a sense of responsibility for their own actions and encourages them to think about the consequences of their behaviour. For example, the rule says no running in the corridor and staff keep reminding children about it all the time then, when a child runs in the corridor the others will tell him or her no running, and he or she will know that if they run, they will fall and when they fall, they will hurt themselves. So, they know what will happen when they disobey. It ensures that the school rules are enforced and children behave in a responsible manner. For instance, when staffs are consistent in applying the rules then there will be order in the settings and the promotion of good behaviour. Children will also know what the rules and boundaries are and therefore behave accordingly. It ensures that all children are treated fairly by staff applying the equal opportunity procedures. For example, when two children behave inappropriately, they both must receive the same sanction, one should not be favoured over the other. When two hildren fght, you have to listen to both sides and be fair in your Judgement. Some children behave inappropriately all the time but they must not be victimized in situations but rather listened to and treated tairly as other children It helps children with unwanted behaviour to improve and behave positively. For instance, if a child likes to pinch other children and all the staffs apply the rules consistently, that child is bound to change from that unwanted behaviour to positive behaviour. How to set fair rules and boundaries: Setting realistic rules for the setting; For example, ensuring the set rules are ppropriate for age and stage of development. For instance, setting a rule for one to two years that says, â€Å"No crying for toys or You must share,†that is not realistic based on their age and level of understanding. By involving the children in setting the rules and boundaries. If the children are involved in the rule setting then they will apply it because they will always remember and obey it. If everybody agrees on the set rules and boundaries. This means they understand what they are agreeing to so therefore, they can live by it and when others are behaving inappropriately, they will let them know it is unacceptable behaviour. How to cite Supporting children and young people’s positive behaviour, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Mini Case Assignment 1 free essay sample
CEG GSB 703 Mini Case Assignment #1 Adam Ohanesian Email: Adam. [emailprotected] edu Table of Contents I. Intended roles of each of the institutions and intermediaries. a. Venture Capitalists b. Investment Bank Underwriters c. Sell-Side Analysts d. Buy-Side Analysts and Portfolio Managers e. Accounting Profession f. FASB II. Properly aligned incentives g. Venture Capitalists h. Investment Bank Underwriters i. Sell-Side Analysts j. Buy-Side Analysts k. Portfolio Managers l. Changes III. Internet Stock Market Bubble Responsibility m. My opinion n. Venture Capitalists proof . Investment Bank Underwriters proof p. Sell-Side Analysts proof q. Buy-Side Analysts proof IV. Costs r. Investors s. Employees t. Companies 1. What is the intended role of each of the institutions and intermediaries discussed in the case for the effective functioning of capital markets? The role of the venture capitalist is to provide capital for companies in their early stages of development. They expect a very hig h rate of return on their investment which is done by selling their stake to the public through an IPO or to another company in a trade. They screen good business ideas and entrepreneurial teams from bad ones. Also, they help companies until they reached a point where they are ready to face the public markets after an IPO. The role of the investment bank underwriter is to provide advisory financial services, help companies price their offerings, underwrite the shares, and introduce them to investors. The role of the sell-side analyst is to publish research on public companies, make buy or sell recommendations on stocks, and work with the buy-side analysts providing research before the company goes public. The role of the buy-side analyst is to conduct industry research, communicate with the company management team, create earnings estimates, conduct valuation analysis, and rate company stock prices as â€Å"buy†or â€Å"sell†. The role of the portfolio manager is to actually manage money under recommendations of the analysts. The role of the accounting profession is to audit the financial statements of public companies to verify the accuracy and make sure there is no fraud. They also provide an opinion statement attached to the companies public filings stating if they are satisfied or unsatisfied. The FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) is an independent regulatory body in the United States who establish and improve standards of financial accounting and reporting for the guidance and education of the public, including issuers, auditors, and users of financial information. 2. Are their incentives aligned properly with their intended role? Whose incentives are most misaligned? Venture capitalists main form of compensation is a large share of profits which is typically 20%. Also a low fee based on assets under management. Investment bank underwriters are paid on a commission basis on the amount of money the company raises in its offering which is typically 7%. The sell-side analysts are partly compensated based on the amount of trading fees and investment banking revenue the assist the firms generate through their research. The buy-side analysts are compensated based upon how well their stock recommendations do. Lastly, the portfolio managers are compensated based by the performance of their funds relative to an appropriate bench mark return. I feel the venture capitalists should get more than the typical 20% as they are the ones supplying the funding for the company. Without the assistance of the venture capitalists the company may not be able to develop properly or as they wish. Also the investment bank underwriters could get a little more than 7% since they are the people who actually write the shares and present them to potential investors. The two analyst types and portfolio managers are aligned properly I feel. 3. Who, if anyone, was responsible for the Internet stock bubble? In my opinion, there was not one group or person responsible for the Internet stock bubble but a combination of groups partially responsible. After reading the case, I feel there are four groups responsible and I will explain. The venture capitalists are partially responsible because they were influenced by the market, knowingly investing in and bringing public companies with suspect business models. Some even say the venture capitalists brought companies public too early. The investment bank underwriters are also partially responsible because these banks are supposed to have experts with highly regarded advice. So how could they pick such duds of companies? The sell-side analysts had buy ratings on companies that eventually had fallen dramatically in price. While the buy-side analysts over valued companies and invested in them regardless. 4. What are the costs of such a stock market bubble? As a future business professional, what lessons do you draw from the bubble? The costs of the stock market bubble I came away with were investors lost a lot of money if they did not sell the stock before the value decreased. Employees lost jobs as profits decreased and companies had to down size. Also, companies going out of business were a cost. As a future business professional I drew to know the value of what you are investing in. Make a educated, researched decision before taking action. Finally, do not over value your business, be realistic. Reference Material Sources Text book: Business Analysis Valuation Using Financial Statements, Palepu Healy, 2008, Thomson Sout-Western.
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